Автор: SergioL [Москва] (195.151.45.---)
Дата: давно
я вчера не пресс-релиз перевел, а листовку.
перевод пресс-релиза привожу ниже. Там и координаты координатора есть. Щас порассылаю куда-нить в прессу.
Attention of mass media!
Press release
All-Russia Protest Against
Discrimination of Automobile Drivers’ Rights
May 19
On Thursday, May 19, the Government of the Russian Federation will be considering the proposed programme of the Russian automobile industry development up to CY2008. One of the programme’s items is prohibition of use in Russia of automobiles with the right-hand side steering wheel. More than 1.5 million citizens of our country use such automobiles to their satisfaction. Now, the governmental bureaucrats, whose acts overtly protect the interests of auto-lobbyists, intend to deprive people of their legitimate property.
On May 19, automobile drivers all over Russia are arranging a protest action against the government’s acts. All our actions will be in strict compliance with the laws. Drivers who own right-steer cars will simply drive slowly in the main streets of their towns, with their emergency signals on and without violating traffic rules. The protest will be symbolized by orange ribbons fixed onto their cars. We would like to emphasize that this color does not bear any political significance, but is only an indication that the bureaucrats are on the brink of a foul, deliberately provoking social unrest.
We hope left-steer car owners will join us, because all the acts of the government (extortionate rates of compulsory liability insurance, increases in customs duties on import of foreign cars, absence of gasoline prices regulation, introduction of forcible towage, increase in road tax in a number of regions, Moscow, in particular, and its unjustified linkage to the car engine power) are prohibitive and discriminative in nature.
In Moscow the action will be take place around the House of the Government (the White House). The action is scheduled to begin at 9.00am.
We invite Russian and foreign mass media to cover this protest action.
Comments will be provided by the coordinator of the action Viacheskav Lysakov (e-mail: slysakov@mtu-net.ru or Japanfan@tochka.ru; tel.766-43-10)
Details of the action in other Russian cities and towns may be found at Internet-conferences of right-steer drivers at http://www.auto.vl.ru/protest/ or at the actions Internet site http://pravy-rul-da.narod.ru.
Caldina ST215G, 4WD
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