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Автор: Vasilij (
Дата:   давно

During the wars in 1939-1945 special engines were used in some American planes. Small portion of water with fuel and air (for combustion) were injected in their cylinders. Contacting with burning fuel, overheated internal wall of the cylinder and surface of the piston, water boiled immediately, and the steam of water, expanding, helped the gases to push the piston, in other word, made useful work. Thereby not only power increase of 10-15%, economy of fuel and also facilitation of the bulky cooling system were achieved: the cylinders were cooled by injected water, but not only outside, also inside the cylinder. There was used such method - the water, during boiling or evaporations, transformed in the steam, and it increased in 1700 times (in normal atmospheric pressure). It gave essential value increase of such important parameters of motor, as power, the highest rotational moment and efficiency. Unfortunately, cause of its complexity, these motors with water injections in the cylinder hadn’t further developed. Modern science and technology, particularly electronics, had developed very much, and nowadays, when oil price is growing at high rate, it is right time to use these forgotten, but very perspective engines. The electronics would control precise dosage of injected water and preliminary heating from outer walls of the cylinder for approaching the boiling temperature. Remember that in the cylinder the temperature of the boiling water in compressed atmosphere also would increase.
For combustion strengthening you also should warm up fuel and air that are imputed in cylinders. Injected water could help you not only to economy, but also achieve motor durability. This water cooled overheated and high rubbing piston rings, the piston and the cylinder. Also possibility of very harmful occurrence as detonation, a blast of fuel-air mixture, reduced. Injected water and it steam may form the necessary form and speed of the flame, also prevent the explosive phenomena. To achieve more power increase, you could make greater pressure of gas mixture; it will allow you use cheaper low-octane gasoline.
With temperature reduction of burning gas, of water injections inside cylinders, you could limit the contents in exhausts, forming at the high temperature. It consists of atmospheric nitrogen, toxic nitrogen oxides. The air consists of two main components: nitrogen - (N2) ~ 80%, and oxygen - (O2) ~ 20%, - other substances constitute a small part, so we could not to consider them. Smouldering thin stick, entering in test tube with pure oxygen, flashes up in bright blaze. Hence, it is necessary to increase the percentage of the oxygen in the air, or to reduce the amount of a main component of the air - nitrogen, which doesn’t only sustain combustion, but also as water or sand, uses at stewing fire, and prevents this combustion.
To separate the oxygen from air, or at least pure nitrogen, modern industrial installations use bulky equipment. It consists of many evaporators and capacitors, and requires significant expenses of energy, and it capacity is very small. It required another, suitable (compact), quick, cheap and reliable way to get the pure oxygen for motors. I offer rather simple, may be imperfect, method of increasing the amount of the oxygen in air mass by using quickly revolving centrifuges. Under the centrifugal power, more heavy particles of the oxygen (the molecular weight - 32), will displace less heavy molecules of the nitrogen (the molecular weight - 28). Certainly, such method doesn’t provide getting pure oxygen, even though purification includes several stages. One could use technology of membrane molecular filters, or separate the molecules of the nitrogen and oxygen on differences of their magnetization with preliminary ionizing. And if in entering air we manage to reduce the amount of the nitrogen at least in two times - from 80% to 40%, then the amount of the oxygen will increase nearly in three times - from 21% to 60% (!), and , finite energy of combustion, will increase even more - in 5-7 times! Having so intensive combustion, it’s not difficult to obtain complete fuel combustion. For example, essential part of modern cars, neutralizer, takes from engine some energy. This energy is used for combustion of poisonous rests of fuel, carbon, carbon monoxide. So neutralizer, used fuel of low-quality, hydrogen sulfide, would be already unnecessary. It would decrease the total costs of the motor transport service. At least having partly extracted nitrogen from the air in cylinders, we may reduce the amount of extracted nitrogen oxides, which would lead to the acid rains. They could be harmful not only for living beings, but also for architectural monuments, buildings, constructions and, even for cover of car basket.
One could ionize at high temperature, and magnetize at low one almost all components inside the cylinder: air, fuel, injected water, and combustion products. Coils, located around cylinder, could create magnetic field and protect thermostable, not conducting electricity, ceramics. By these means it is possible to get necessary form of gas mixture. For example, to group it at the centre, or distribute throughout the cylinder, or place it nearer the walls. So that if we raised the inflammation rate, we could enlarge the power, or if decrease the inflammation rate, we would not have detonations. We should use this detonation, because the flame velocity at blast is much greater than at controlled (limited) combustion.
Creating overpressure of the air, it is possible to reduce amount of entering fuel significantly without power reducing. To reduce the undesirable consequences of harsh gas impulses, it is better to “spring” higher part of piston or its links with connecting-rod - a wrist. Stirling’s engines have been already used in submarines, in distant cosmos, and underground, in power stations, and at home. Here, in absolutely closed space, you should put reactionless gas, helium, under very big pressure (200-500 atmospheres). It is warmed up from stove with external heat application, consequently, enlarges, and simultaneously, on the other side of the cylinder, is already cooled down in special refrigerator, i.e. "is compressed". The appearing pressure disparity above and under the piston pushes this piston downwards, then other cylinders of revolving wheel start to work and accumulated energy begin to work, and the whole cycle is repeated again. Turbines can be used instead of the pistons. Stirling’s engines could work on any fuel: hard, fluid, gaseous, from sun energy or atomic reactor and from any sources of the heat, even without connection with combustion. These engines with very fantastic parameters are still remained unnoticed by manufactures of the serial passenger cars. Considering such parameters, as power, efficiency, the highest maximum rotational moment at low rotations (therefore Stirling’s engines could overcome great overloading, and herewith it, unlike usual motor, does not fail, it is may used without transmission). Among other parameters there are economy and ecological capacity, low requirements of fuel and oiling, service unpretentiousness and simplicity, versatility of the using, silence, easy run at cold seasons, longevity, small relative density and compactness, profitable prime cost, reliability and many others.
Bezukladnikov Vasiliy Alexandrovich,
poste restante
Rostov region
 Re: Ecomotors
Автор: ХаряКиря (195.46.102.---)
Дата:   давно

Нифига! Это чо? По японски? :о)
 Re: Ecomotors
Автор: Miiiii 59 [Пермь] (
Дата:   давно

Василий, ты ни чего не попутал?

У меня хоть и 3 высших образования, но язык только один, да и то "со словарем", думаю у многих так

Или ты ждешь людей с одинаковым "интересом"

Nissan Sanni, 1997г, CD20
 Re: Ecomotors
Автор: Spinaker (
Дата:   давно

Мож Человек Себе На Работу Переводчиков Ищет, Или Окном Обшибся ?
 Re: Ecomotors
Автор: TOLMACH [Владивосток] (
Дата:   давно

Eto vot k chemu:

"I offer rather simple, may be imperfect, method of increasing the amount of the oxygen in air mass by using quickly revolving centrifuges. "

 Re: Ecomotors
Автор: ХаряКиря (195.46.102.---)
Дата:   давно

Мне пож-а-алста по немецки... :о)
 Re: Ecomotors
Автор: Балбес(Норильск) [Норильск] (80.67.208.---)
Дата:   давно

В кратце статья о том, как во время войны америкосами был разработан двиг с впыском водно-бензино-воздушной смеси,увеличивая мощьность и кр. момент с экономией топлива , что актуально сегодня в связи с резким ростом цен. Поскольку охлаждение осуществляется более эффективно(внутри цилиндра температура меньше), то увеличивается ресурс и уменьшаются вредность выхлопа.
Такие двигатели мощны, экономичны, просты в обслуживании, тише , легко запускаются в холодную погоду (?)

Хочу такой!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
 Re: Ecomotors
Автор: Formula [Владивосток] (
Дата:   давно

............Также возможность очень вредного возникновения как взрыв, взрыв топливно-воздушной смеси, уменьшенной. Введенная вода и это двигаются, может сформировать необходимую форму и скорость пламени, также предотвратить взрывчатые явления............

и почему то заболел УМ!!!!!!!!

 Re: Ecomotors
Автор: Formula [Владивосток] (
Дата:   давно

НО! видать наболело сильно!

 Re: Ecomotors
Автор: wizzard [Усолье-Сибирское, 38 регион, GMT+08:00] (
Дата:   давно

если кому интересно, вот про альтернативную энергетику (производство водорода):

пока существует нефть, мы таких источников топлива(или энергии) не увидим.

Vista SV30, 4S

Подано голосов: 1

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