Celica 2000cc TWIN ENTRY TURBO

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 Celica 2000cc TWIN ENTRY TURBO
Автор: Celica (---.stl.ru)
Дата:   давно

Такое разве бывает?
 Re: Celica 2000cc TWIN ENTRY TURBO
Автор: TopGun  (217.107.196.---)
Дата:   давно

А что тебя смущает?
В первом варианте вроде всё правильно ,во втором кто то криво написал обьявление и ТвинЭнтриТурбо превратилось в Твин Турбо.

 Re: Celica 2000cc TWIN ENTRY TURBO
Автор: Celica (---.stl.ru)
Дата:   давно

Так твин энтри турбо - это не твин турбо.
А что тогда?
 Re: Celica 2000cc TWIN ENTRY TURBO
Автор: TopGun  (217.107.196.---)
Дата:   давно

набираешь например в Google "TWIN ENTRY TURBO" и читаешь первую же ссылку ;))

 Re: Celica 2000cc TWIN ENTRY TURBO
Автор: Celica (---.stl.ru)
Дата:   давно

Да, отстал от жизни, теперь усе понятно

Are the words " twin entry turbo" marked on your engine? What is
> twin entry? Is that another passage besides the one from the compressor?

Yes, "Twin Entry Turbo" is on the engine. Here's a description of this

Twin entry turbocharger:

Multi-cylinder engines have ranges in which there is some overlap in the
exhaust valve opening timing of one cylinder and its sequent cylinder. This
can cause interference to the exhaust gas flow where the exhaust gases from
the two cylinders join and results in exhaust energy loss in the turbocharged
engine. Also, cylinders which have just finished the exhaust process are
affected by the high back pressure of the exhaust initial process, so that
high pressure gas remains behind more easily. This hinders smooth intake flow
to the engine.

This exhaust gas interference is eliminated in the 3S-GTE engine by providing
two exhaust ports, for cylinders No. 1 and No. 4, and for cylinders No. 2 and
No. 3, together with two scrolls inside the turbine housing. This new design
increases the engine's low-speed performance and acceleration response.

(Taken from Turbo magazine, May 1990)

Подано голосов: 2

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