электрический наддув E-RAM

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 электрический наддув E-RAM
Автор: 700  (---.transtelecom.net)
Дата:   давно

Народ кто, что по етому думает, ведь такую штуку помоему самому можно сделать?

Новинка - электрический наддув E-RAM. Прибавка мощности 10 - 20 л.с. Для атмосферных двигателей. Давление наддува 1 psi. Легкая установка. Полный установочный комплект (включая спортивный фильтр K&N). Производство США. Установочный комплект - от $350

система впуска TORNADO

Новая система впуска TORNADO - для инжекторных и карбюраторных двигателей автомобилей европейского, американского и японского производства. Увеличение момента и мощности двигателя на 10-20 л.с. Цена $148.



LEVIN 101. 4A-GE Silver Top - ТС 20. C56
 Re: электрический наддув E-RAM
Автор: 700  (---.transtelecom.net)
Дата:   давно

Может кто переведет, да в крации раскажет, а то у меня с английским плохо.

(if you only read one area of this page... read this)

1. Why does the eRAM only come on only at full throttle (W.O.T), and why WOULDN'T I want it on all the time, OR at least to come on at part throttle?

Answer: The word throttle means "Choke." Any time the throttle is partialy open, it is "choking" the engine and creating a variable pressure drop (that's its job). You do not want to engage the eRAM to generate pressure when the throttle body is restricting it. If it came on under part throttle, the choking action of the throttle would just remove any gains in pressure created by the e-RAM. Normally, If you want more HP when you are at part throttle, you just press further down on the gas pedal to open the throttle-body, and let more air into your engine. It is only when your throttle is wide-open, and your engine is taking all of the air it is capable of (equal to the total displacement of your engine - CC's or Cubic inches - minus the drop in air pressure created by inherent restrictions in your intake system) that you can realize any benefits from a pressure generating device like the e-RAM. When you press the gas pedal to the floor, the eRAM engages and gives the added air and HP you need. REMEMBER... THIS IS INDEPENDENT OF ENGINE RPM! IF YOU FLOOR YOUR GAS PEDAL AT 2000 RPM, YOU GET FULL BOOST AT 2000 RPM. This is the reason for the waste gates and relief valves with turbos and superchargers. They run continuously, but the pressure is bled off until the total power of what could be produced through normal aspiration is exceeded. (Manifold pressure above ambient or in other words, above atmosphere) Also, the e-RAM requires very high current, so regardless, it is neccessary to use it only during full throttle conditions as to not tax your electrical system, and not cause exessive heat or wear at the heart of the e-RAM... the high-power electric motor. Having the e-RAM engage too early and too often when it is not needed, will lead to premature aging and failure of the e-RAM device. When used and installed properly, the e-RAM will last for many years, and only require service after thousands of hours of operation.

2. How does it work?

Answer: The eRAM is an electrically powered forced air system that uses a 700 watt axial flow fan to slightly pressurize the intake air while it rids the inlet and filter box of most all restriction. It is designed to operate only at full throttle, since this is when you want the most air pressure available to your engine. By slightly pressurizing the air available to your engine intake system, the air becomes more dense, and is matched with more fuel producing the increased HP to the wheels.

3. Will my fuel system respond to the increased density and flow of air?

Answer: Yes, the small increases of air density are well within the limits of most modern fuel injection fuel system, basically in the same way your engine would respond if you were traveling at high altitude where you loose HP. Here the fuel air metering system is able to respond by sensing the change in density via the mass air flow sensor, air flow meter , or manifold pressure sensor, and keep mixture levels correct.

4. Is it difficult to install?

Answer: The eRAM can typically be installed in less than 1 HOUR! It comes complete with instructions, wiring, adapter hose, fan inlet, the eRAM, 50 amp relay, and microswitch that mounts near your accelerator control linkage. (Other locations are also possible for micro switch position such as at the gas pedal were we have an optional foot switch)

5. How much HP gain can I expect?

Answer: Gains on stock 4 cylinder to heavily modified 8 cylinder engines have yielded 4-6% increases. That's 5-15HP depending on your base flywheel HP. If you are removing a stock airbox, gains for cool air tubes and cone filters are up to 5HP. The eRAM with its 5-15 HP just adds to those gains giving over 20 HP of total gain for the eRAM system.

6. How is the eRAM different than a supercharger or Turbocharger?

Answer: The eRAM is a distant cousin of the full blown turbo or supercharging system which employs a centrifugal impeller that must run all the time. They have to produce matched engine airflow, with high-pressure air compression (4 to 15 PSI is normal). This requires a tremendous amount of HP to drive the device. For example the airflow needed for a 2.5-liter engine at 6000 RPM is 265 CFM. At only 6 PSI, you would need 10 to 15 HP just to create this type of supercharging. Belts driven by the engine or a turbine driven off the engines exhaust gases can produce this type of power. The eRAM produces less than ? PSI, but also rids the system of about ? PSI of vacuum caused by filter and inlet restriction. These two gains give the eRAM its 1PSI supercharging performance results. The eRAM is very efficient in moving lots of air flow (CFM) at small pressures, where traditional turbo/superchargers are very good at making pressure, but need extreme speeds to match flow rates of most engines.

7. Don't Most cars have ram air already?

Answer: No, most manufactures have done everything to make inlet ducts to get air into the engine. The problem is that because of the path the air has to take, by the time it gets to your throttle body, the air doesn't have enough pressure and speed to add any ram pressure to your intake system. Even at speeds of 80 mph, no ram effects can be measured with an almost perfect inlet system, (i.e. less than .08psi) At 160 mph , that pressure goes up to .36psi., that's it!! Horsepower robbing vacuum in most air boxes is present due all sorts of restrictions as we cant have dragster style hood scoops on street cars because we would not be able to see over them!

8. What causes most of the intake restriction, and how do you measure how much you have?

Answer: Filters, inlet turns, diameter reductions and obstructions of the intake system create pressure drops depending on the restriction, resulting in vacuum in the air box (less dense air). Using a sensitive pressure gauge, this vacuum can be measured under W.O.T. either statically on the dyno, or on the track as we did.

9. What is the difference in drawing engine heated air versus cool outside air.

Answer: Every 40 degrees makes a difference of 6% HP. The pressure would have to rise 1PSI for this gain in HP. Conversely, the air pressure could drop 1PSI at altitude and the losses would be similar.

10. If the eRAM produces a positive pressure in the air box, how does that relate to HP gains.

Answer: In the same way that you loose HP when you travel at altitude because the air is less dense, you gain it by increasing the pressure. For example, if you travel at 6500 feet, the air is 3PSI less dense than at sea level.(on average) This 3PSI doesn't seem like much, but can be responsible for up to a 20% HP loss. If you could produce a 3 PSI supercharger, your gains could be in this range too. (Ignoring the heating of air due to compression) At 1/2 PSI, gains are in the 3% percent range.

11. Does the eRAM cause restriction when it is not on

Answer: No, because of its axial blade design, it is not a factor at the flow rates under part throttle condition. Many people have seen actual HP gains by just putting a static version of the eRAM in line with the intake system claiming better atomization of fuel and air. We have not verified these gains, but if they are real, the eRAM should be an order of magnitude more effective in HP gains and equal in gas mileage efficiency gains that the static swirling devices. We have dyno'ed the eRAM off at full throttle and measured inconclusive losses (i.e. +/-1 hp changes)

12. Does the eRAM put a large drain on the alternator?

Answer: No, the max current draw is only in the 50amps range. This is as much as a high powered stereo, headlights or a electric radiator cooling fan. Most electrical systems can handle draws of 90 amps. We have even tested the eRAM on motorcycle electrical systems with no problems. The e-RAM generates up to 10 hp while It uses approximately 1hp (746watts) from the electrical system. This has been verified on the dyno and with current meters. Since most charging systems work off voltage drop of the battery, the burden of the current draw really depends on the shape of your battery. Most batteries in good shape see very little voltage drop for short duration current draws of 50 amps for 10 to 15 seconds.

13. I have a very efficient intake system now, can eRAM still help?

Answer: Yes, it makes what you have better. Preliminary tests have shown the best results on modified intakes with aftermarket intakes and filters. It adds to what you've got.

14. I have a stock air box, will eRAM still work?

Answer: YES! It also is designed to bolt on to your existing stock air box with little or no modification and the same 4-6% gains.

15. I have an after market intake tube. Will the eRAM mount to it?

Answer: YES, by using the version of eRAM with its integral cone filter , you mount the eRAM directly to the intake tube leading to your air flow sensor. (With provided MAF style safety screen)

16. Is their a chance of the eRAM damaging my engine ?

Answer: No, the eRAM system is designed to work with an existing air box and filter. If anything was to enter the fan and damage it ,any and all parts would be captured by the filter. In the 10 years of operation of this fan device, in many prototype applications, and 1000 hours of run time, nothing has come off the fan or motor assembly. For versions with a cone filter on the eRAM, a safety screen is included on the exit of the fan similar to that of a MAF system. (Hotwire, mass air flow device)

17. What is the life expectancy of the eRAM device, and does it require maintenance?

Answer: The only moving parts are the instrument quality rare earth electric motor which is rated for over 1000 hours and a solid, unbreakable, composite impeller. It is highly resistant to heat and has sealed no maintenance ball bearings. Because of the low duty cycle (on the race track it is only on for 20 to 40 seconds a lap depending on the road course such as Laguna Seca or Sears Point where testing is done), the eRAM unit should outlast your engine.

18. How quickly does the eRAM spool up?

Answer: The highly balanced eRAM spools up to 22,000 RPM in less than 100 ms (1/10 of a second). This is due to its very lightweight and strong construction.

19. How will the increase HP from the eRAM help my quarter mile drag times?

Answer: The 4-6% HP gains are roughly equivalent to 1 or 2 tenths of a second. This may not seem like much but, at the finish line, at speeds of 100 mph (146 feet per second), 1 tenth of a second is 14.6 feet, or roughly a car length. If you beat someone by one car length, that race wasn't even close!


LEVIN 101. 4A-GE Silver Top - ТС 20. C56
 Re: электрический наддув E-RAM
Автор: alt1600  (---.dialog-it.ru)
Дата:   давно

Была статейка то-ли в Авторевю, то-ли в Клаксоне. Этот прибамбас поставили на 206 пыжа. В купе с некоторомы другими переделками, подвеска жестче, ниже, распорка, другая главная пара. Получился выйгрыш в 1с до 100. Замеряли они проф.комплексом на динамометрической дороге. Стоит ли 1 с таких мытарств?
 1сек стоит дороже !!
Автор: soboly  (---.irkutsk.ru)
Дата:   давно


С уважением,
 Re: электрический наддув E-RAM
Автор: кетамин (---.Nsk.dial.rol.ru)
Дата:   давно

прибавка 1psi - это 0.03атм.

никакой разницы вы не почувствуете.
 Re: электрический наддув E-RAM
Автор: Max3000 [Хабаровск] (---.fecs-900.khv.ru)
Дата:   давно

Да вы лучше посмотрите тама есть Механические нагнетатели EATON.....вот это действительно стоящие штуки.
 Re: электрический наддув E-RAM
Автор: Юрон (---.sinor.ru)
Дата:   давно

А по деньгам ничего нагнетатели да. Тогда лучше закись
 а где цены можно узнать
Автор: Shadow [Владивосток-Артем] (212.107.210.---)
Дата:   давно

на механические нагнетатели? На сайте нигде не видать :(

Фарева Prelude BA8 F22B 4WS MT SS™
 Re: электрический наддув E-RAM
Автор: Санек (---.tck.ru)
Дата:   давно

Да E-RAM это фуфловый рекламный трюк! Вот механические нагнетатели
Jackson Racing это штука посерьезней будет! Только вот стоимость у них солидная и съедает всю выгоду от прибавки в мощности! 1600$ -1800$ за комплект! Ну а кто хочет поглядеть на это чудо http://www.larkon-auto.ru/tuning/motor/JacksonRacing/jakson_superchargers.htm
Вот к стати и Хондовозов турбят вовсю:)))

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