Автор: mkII (---.dialup.vtelecom.ru)
Дата: давно
Touring Sedan Individuality
For Tourer V and Roulant G grades, the BEAMS 1JZ-GTE high-efficiency engine with VVT-i generates powerful torque in all rpm zones. This powertrain, combined with the excellent acceleration control afforded by ETCS and a specially-tuned suspension and steering system, provides superlative performance levels.
The Tourer S and Roulant grades feature an optimum balance between the BEAMS 1JZ-GE engine, which improves torque by about 10% in all rpm zones, and the specially-tuned suspension, resulting in a highly enjoyable ride.
The sporty new Tourer grade comes mounted with the 1G-FE engine, known for its smooth acceleration and easy handling.
Cheers. Alex
Скаи начиная с 32-го и не заканчивая (C) VTEC
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