WRC 2004

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 WRC 2004
Автор: Helikot  (---.primorye.ru)
Дата:   давно

23-25 января Ралли Монте-Карло.
Хорошая новость, правда на английском:
Satellite television channel British Eurosport has signed an agreement with ISC, the promoters of the World Rally Championship, to cover the 2004 World Rally Championship on both British Eurosport and Eurosport News.

Starting with the Monte Carlo rally next weekend, British Eurosport will broadcast a 30-minute daily highlight programme of each day's action for all 16 events in the WRC calendar. In total, British Eurosport will provide 3 hours of broadcast per rally, made up of the following shows:

26 minutes preview before each event.
26 minutes daily highlights on each of the three days of every event.
52 minutes review on the Wednesday after each event.
15 minutes highlights after each of the seven Junior World Rally Championship rounds and Production World Rally Championship rounds.

"This deal is another milestone in Eurosport's coverage of motorsports,” says Laurent-Eric Le Lay, Managing Director of Broadcast of Eurosport. “For the first time ever, viewers will have the opportunity to watch daily highlight programmes of the WRC, exclusive in prime time on Eurosport.”

Simon Long, Managing Director of ISC, was thrilled about the additional exposure that the deal with Eurosport will give the WRC. "We are delighted to enter into a two year agreement with Eurosport guaranteeing the sport a prime time daily highlights show allowing rally fans daily access to the drama and diversity of each WRC event," he said. "In conjunction with our production partner, Chrysalis, we will produce a series of programmes exclusively made for Eurosport viewers which, I am sure, will further raise the profile of WRC across Europe by delivering great entertainment".

In addition, the 2004 World Rally Championship will also be supplemented with results, news, videos and features on eurosport.com.

Ищем кто-будет транслировать British Eurosport и где? Чемпион?

If everything seems under control, you're just not going fast enough. Mario Andretti
 Re: WRC 2004
Автор: Киприот  (---.cytanet.com.cy)
Дата:   давно

В мае на Кипре, бум смотреть! :)

Toyota Aristo 2JZ-GTE 1999 - In work.
Toyota Celica 2ZZ 2001- stock
Mitsubishi Airtrek 2002 - 360 hp.
 Re: WRC 2004
Автор: Helikot  (---.primorye.ru)
Дата:   давно

Ага, уже расквартировку обещают. Вот только ~1000-1200$ за зрелище не совсем скромно :)

If everything seems under control, you're just not going fast enough. Mario Andretti
 Re: WRC 2004
Автор: Киприот  (---.cytanet.com.cy)
Дата:   давно

Helikot - это не только же будет WRC. Все таки это еще и Кипр, отдых и все такое, но не забывай про визы введеные, возьми два дня про запас в москве на визы, и так как у тебя будут только билеты, без отеля, нужно приглашение от кого нибудь с Кипра.

Toyota Aristo 2JZ-GTE 1999 - In work.
Toyota Celica 2ZZ 2001- stock
Mitsubishi Airtrek 2002 - 360 hp.
 Re: WRC 2004
Автор: Helikot  (---.primorye.ru)
Дата:   давно

А там есть резидень Agent Victor :)))

If everything seems under control, you're just not going fast enough. Mario Andretti

Подано голосов: 1

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