QG15DE и работа клапана холостого хода (IACV-AAC)

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 QG15DE и работа клапана холостого хода (IACV-AAC)
Автор: aw75 (80.243.64.---)
Дата:   давно

Nissan Wingroad 1999г в 11 кузове, двиг - QG15DE, автомат. Расход по городу - 16-17 литров (10 л. на 60 км.). Стиль езды - спокойный, пробок нет, простоев нет.
Как-то подозрительно работает клапан холостого хода: включаешь зажигание - все нормально, выключаешь зажигание - примерно через 5 секунд клапан вроде-бы как закрывается(открывается?), но не равномерно, как при включении зажигания, а как-то щелчками (серия 5-6 щелчков).

Вопрос - так и должно быть или это косяк?

К спецам и на сервис просьба не отсылать, они от машины отказываются, как только глянут на двиг, типа, двиг новый, мы его ещё не знаем, оборудования нет, делать не будем. :(
 Re: QG15DE и работа клапана холостого хода (IACV-AAC)
Автор: 597571nissan  (---.vzletka.net)
Дата:   давно

щелчки не признак неисправности,
см.возд фильтр и датчик расхода воздуха

Ну вы блин даете!
 Re: QG15DE и работа клапана холостого хода (IACV-AAC)
Автор: aw75 (80.243.64.---)
Дата:   давно

Фильтр новый.
Если MAF дурит, то я так понимаю, стабильность работы двига нарушается, но провалов в работе нет, до максимальных оборотов раскручивается резво, без перебоев, что на холостую, что в движении.

Забыл сказать, почему подозрения попали на КХХ - маленькие прогревочные обороты. Зимой на морозе -20 примерно 1000-1100 оборотов.
 Re: QG15DE и работа клапана холостого хода (IACV-AAC)
Автор: Series (212.57.188.---)
Дата:   давно

В мануале на альмеру N16 (который можно скачать с http://www.phatg20.net/ ) написано:

страница EC-45:

If engine stops immediately after starting or idle condition
is unstable, perform the following to initialize IACV-AAC
a) Stop engine and wait 9 seconds.
b) Turn ignition “ON” and wait 1 second.
c) Turn ignition “OFF” and wait 9 seconds.


Idle Air Volume Learning DESCRIPTION

“Idle Air Volume Learning” is an operation to learn the idle air volume
that keeps each engine within the specific range. It must be
performed under any of the following conditions:
+ Each time IACV-AAC valve, throttle body or ECM is replaced.
+ Idle speed or ignition timing is out of specification.

Before performing “Idle Air Volume Learning”, make sure that all of
the following conditions are satisfied.
Learning will be cancelled if any of the following conditions are
missed for even a moment.
+ Battery voltage: More than 12.9V (At idle)
+ Engine coolant temperature: 70 - 99°C (158 - 210°F)
+ PNP switch: ON
+ Electric load switch: OFF
(Air conditioner, headlamp, rear window defogger)
On vehicles equipped with daytime light systems, set lighting
switch to the 1st position to light only small lamps.
+ Cooling fan motor: Not operating
+ Steering wheel: Neutral (Straight-ahead position)
+ Vehicle speed: Stopped
+ Transmission: Warmed-up
For A/T models with CONSULT-II, drive vehicle until “FLUID
TEMP SE” in “DATA MONITOR” mode of “A/T” system indicates
less than 0.9V.
For A/T models without CONSULT-II and M/T models, drive
vehicle for 10 minutes.


1. Turn ignition switch “ON” and wait at least 1 second.
2. Turn ignition switch “OFF” and wait at least 10 seconds.
3. Start engine and warm it up to normal operating temperature.
4. Check that all items listed under the topic “PRE-CONDITIONING”
(previously mentioned) are in good order.
5. Turn ignition switch “OFF” and wait at least 9 seconds.
6. Start the engine and let it idle for at least 28 seconds.
7. Select “IDLE AIR VOL LEARN” in “WORK SUPPORT” mode.
8. Touch “START” and wait 20 seconds.
9. Make sure that “CMPLT” is displayed on CONSULT-II screen.
If “INCMP” is displayed, “Idle Air Volume Learning” will not be
carried out successfully. In this case, find the cause of the
problem by referring to the NOTE below.
10. Rev up the engine two or three times. Make sure that idle
speed and ignition timing are within specifications:

Idle speed M/T: 700±50 rpm A/T: 800±50 rpm (in “P” or “N” position)
Ignition timing M/T: 8±5° BTDC A/T: 10±5° BTDC (in “P” or “N” position)


1. Turn ignition switch “ON” and wait at least 1 second.
2. Turn ignition switch “OFF” and wait at least 10 seconds.
3. Start engine and warm it up to normal operating temperature.
4. Check that all items listed under the topic “PRE-CONDITIONING”
(previously mentioned) are in good order.
5. Turn ignition switch “OFF” and wait at least 9 seconds.
6. Start the engine and let it idle for at least 28 seconds.
7. Disconnect throttle position sensor harness connector (brown),
then reconnect it within 5 seconds.
8. Wait 20 seconds.
9. Make sure that idle speed is within specifications. If not, the
result will be incomplete. In this case, find the cause of the
problem by referring to the NOTE below.
10. Rev up the engine two or three times. Make sure that idle
speed and ignition timing are within specifications:

Idle speed M/T: 700±50 rpm A/T: 800±50 rpm (in “P” or “N” position)
Ignition timing M/T: 8±5° BTDC A/T: 10±5° BTDC (in “P” or “N” position)

If idle air volume learning cannot be performed successfully,
proceed as follows:
1) Check that throttle valve is fully closed.
2) Check PCV valve operation.
3) Check that downstream of throttle valve is free from air
4) Adjust closed throttle position switch and reset memory.
(Refer to Basic Inspection, EC-100.)
5) When the above three items check out OK, engine component
parts and their installation condition are questionable.
Check and eliminate the cause of the problem.
VALVE”, EC-173.
6) If any of the following conditions occur after the engine
has started, eliminate the cause of the problem and perform
“Idle air volume learning” all over again:
+ Engine stalls.
+ Erroneous idle.
+ Blown fuses related to the IACV-AAC valve system.

Кроме того, если ECM fail-safe operation (ЕС-154):

Engine speed will not rise more thanт 3,000 rpm
Fuel injection Simultaneous multiport fuel injection system
Ignition timing is fixed at the preset value
Fuel pump relay is “ON” when engine is running and “OFF” when engine stalls
IACV-AAC valve Full open
Cooling fan relay “ON” (High speed condition) when engine is running, and “OFF” when engine stalls.

This system automatically controls engine idle speed to a specified
level. Idle speed is controlled through fine adjustment of the
amount of air which by-passes the throttle valve via IACV-AAC
valve. The IACV-AAC valve changes the opening of the air by-pass
passage to control the amount of auxiliary air. This valve is actuated
by a step motor built into the valve, which moves the valve in
the axial direction in steps corresponding to the ECM output signals.
One step of IACV-AAC valve movement causes the respective
opening of the air by-pass passage. (i.e. when the step
advances, the opening is enlarged.) The opening of the valve is
varied to allow for optimum control of the engine idling speed. The
crankshaft position sensor (POS) detects the actual engine speed
and sends a signal to the ECM. The ECM then controls the step
position of the IACV-AAC valve so that engine speed coincides with
the target value memorized in ECM. The target engine speed is the
lowest speed at which the engine can operate steadily. The optimum
value stored in the ECM is determined by taking into consideration
various engine conditions, such as during warm up,
deceleration, and engine load (air conditioner, power steering, cooling
fan operation and electrical load).


The IACV-AAC valve is operated by a step motor for centralized
control of auxiliary air supply. This motor has four winding phases
and is actuated by the output signals of ECM which turns ON and
OFF two windings each in sequence. Each time the IACV-AAC
valve opens or closes to change the auxiliary air quantity, the ECM
sends a pulse signal to the step motor. When no change in the
auxiliary air quantity is needed, the ECM does not issue the pulse
signal. A certain voltage signal is issued so that the valve remains
at that particular opening.

Component Inspection

1) Disconnect IACV-AAC valve harness connector.
2) Check IACV-AAC valve resistance.
Resistance Terminal 1-2,2-3,4-5,5-6 20-24 Om [at 20°C (68°F)]
3) Reconnect IACV-AAC valve harness connector.
4) Remove idle air adjusting unit assembly (IACV-AAC valve is
built-in) from engine.
(The IACV-AAC valve harness connector should remain connected.)
5) Turn ignition switch “ON” and “OFF”, and ensure the IACVAAC
valve shaft smoothly moves forward and backward,
according to the ignition switch position.
If NG, replace the IACV-AAC valve.
 Re: QG15DE и работа клапана холостого хода (IACV-AAC)
Автор: aw75 (80.243.64.---)
Дата:   давно

О, вот.


5) Turn ignition switch “ON” and “OFF”, and ensure the IACVAAC
valve shaft SMOOTHLY MOVES forward and backward,
according to the ignition switch position

что и требовалось доказать.

Нет контакта между 4 и 5, остальные контакты 25 Ом.

Тогда возникает следующий вопрос, где взять новый клапан.
Какой у него OEM-код?
 Re: QG15DE и работа клапана холостого хода (IACV-AAC)
Автор: Series (212.57.188.---)
Дата:   давно

У меня нет fast на wingroad.
На санни FB15 на QG15DE стоит код 23781-4M400
 Re: QG15DE и работа клапана холостого хода (IACV-AAC)
Автор: Series (212.57.188.---)
Дата:   давно

Получается обмотка сгорела. Надо проверить не идет-ли на нее постоянно напряжение с контроллера, тогда в нем закоротился ключ.
 Re: QG15DE и работа клапана холостого хода (IACV-AAC)
Автор: AlexQ  (---.dialup.primorye.ru)
Дата:   давно

 Re: QG15DE и работа клапана холостого хода (IACV-AAC)
Автор: aw75 (80.243.64.---)
Дата:   давно

Да, с напряжениями там вообще какая-то фигня, напряжения присутствуют на всех обмотках, на всех разные. Именно на 4-5 на разъёме висит 12 В. На остальных порядка 2-х вольт.

Это что, мне ещё и замена контроллера светит? Вот уж "повезло".
 Re: QG15DE и работа клапана холостого хода (IACV-AAC)
Автор: Series (212.57.188.---)
Дата:   давно

Почитай сообщения Bear68 и мои в ветке http://forum.auto.vl.ru/read.php?f=16&i=854334&t=774599 .
Снимай контроллер, ищи ключ, прозвонкой проводов от разъема клапана до разъема контроллера. В мануале на альмеру есть расположение ног на разъеме контроллера, но я думаю оно не совпадает с Wingroad, хотя двигатель один. Заменишь набор ключей на отдельные транзисторы.
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