Автор: NK [Екатеринбург] (---.ural.ru)
Дата: давно
там в тексте... щас переведу с японского он-лайн переводчиком...
Из текста я понял, что это для колцевых гонок и отсечка на 8800...
T-max AE111 N1 specification It is a E/G computer. Although it is 5 base, 6 also correspond. It is of operation check ending. Fuel is cut 4% to 15% all over the districts, and ignition time etc. is adjusted in accordance with it. REBURIMITTA is also set at least to 8800 rpm. Although it is the level which can be felt, adjustment is required of AFC, a regulator, etc. I send the contents of adjustment after a successful bid. Please some specification change be possible and consult about them!!
Хочу GTR
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